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Twas the Week After Christmas

12/27/2023 -

WHEW! The parties are behind us, the presents are bought and delivered; we’re getting our houses back to pre-Christmas condition and while it’s a little sad, we can breathe!...

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Hope Is Born

12/13/2023 -

If there was ever a time when we needed hope, it is now. Bad news travels like wildfire, causing sparks of despair to ignite in our souls. Engage with any media source and you will be assaulted with unfolding circumstances, flashing images, and spoken words that produce feelings of a hopeless future for our present world....

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12/6/2023 -

“Christ-like” is a term I toss around a lot. It’s the standard of which I measure my own morality and a go-to term in parenting. But have you ever tried to make a list of Jesus Christ’s characteristics? It’s really long! And He never slips up! Who He was is who He is all the time. Even when He was tired or hangry while earthside. Even when He has to repeat Himself. Even when we don’t deserve it....

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Waiting With Expectation

11/29/2023 -

Christmas is a season of waiting with expectation. Waiting to see what’s inside the presents under the tree. Waiting to sing carols, hang twinkling lights, and arrange glittering décor. Waiting to taste sugary and savory treats. Waiting to visit loved ones and celebrate Christmas traditions together. Could it be this season of waiting is preparing our hearts for something better to come?...

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Give Thanks

11/22/2023 -

When someone asks you the question, “What are you thankful for? do you have a hard time coming up with a response? Each week in our small group this is the first question that is asked. I will be honest, some weeks I have a hard time coming up with something new. Why should I? Why should we? ...

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