3/17/2019 - 4/14/2019

Calling Expectations Life Change Perfection Transformation

We all think we have an idea of the people who Jesus can use. But we'll soon find that Jesus used broken people like us - the rough crowd.

1/5/2020 - 1/26/2020

Identity Life Change Transformation

3 years. 1,095 days. How will you spend it? One decision could change the trajectory of your life. Who could you be by 2023?


Life Change Transformation

You have no idea what hangs in the balance of just one decision...

8/23/2020 - 10/4/2020

Discipleship Faith Life Change Transformation

If we didn't know anything about faith, where would we start? Join us as we go all the way back to the beginning of Christianity - the starting point of our faith.

5/31/2020 - 6/14/2020

Discipleship Life Change Transformation

Discover what it means to be fully engaged as we learn to take our lives from online to on mission.

3/1/2020 - 3/15/2020

Life Change Stories Transformation

We all have a unique sequence of events that has led us to where we are today. Come see what God could do through your story.

5/20/2018 - 6/10/2018

Life Change Transformation

2,000 years ago, Jesus changed the world through His stories. But these weren't just stories, they were life-changing lessons.

6/6/2021 - 6/27/2021

Baptism Genesis Identity Life Change

Throughout this series, we're looking at Jacob's life in the book of Genesis to look at the struggle of learning who we really are. Together we're taking back what was stolen, and claiming our true identity.